Sunday, May 15, 2011

People AMAZE Me

So I got my HSG done on Thursday. Hurt a bit but, good news, my fallopian tubes are open!! Yay!! One less thing on my list of potential problems. One less procedure I don't have to go through =]. So obviously, I was very happy after it was over. But the day before, well, let's just say people really do amaze me.

Me && the hubby had gotten into a fight on Wednesday. I had a blood test for pregnancy I had to go get done before the HSG due to radiation. He had the nerve to look at me && go, "Why do you have to go get it, your not pregnant." Ok, fuck you, I let it go then even though I think that was a horrible thing to say. ( I told him that later though.) Then, later on, when I was shopping at the commissary, this girl I know texted me && the following conversation ensued:

Her: Hey chicka!! What's up?

Me: NM, just at the dr's office getting more bloodwork done yuck. you?

Her: At the stupid dentist, gettin that done too. Y u gettin bloodwork all time?

Me: Checkin for all sorts of shit makin sure I'm healthy && have the right levels of hormones && such.

Her: Ooooh how is baby making coming

Me: Don't really know yet I'm not preggo tho

Her: :( my hg (homegirl) is :)

WTH?????? How can people be so naive && mean??? Like I give a s***!?! I didn't say anything back. I didn't know what to say without being a bitch. Congrats????

Friday, May 6, 2011

About to lose my fucking mind!!!

I can't take it, it just isn't fair!! Why, oh WHY are all the twats who don't want && alot who don't need to be pregnant are getting preggo && all the ladies who deserve it && can actual take of their baby aren't!! If I have to hear or see one more, "Oh I'm single && was sleeping around && got preggo. Whoops!! But I'm gonna keep it cause babies are all the rage now." Or "Oh me && my bf live at home with my parents && neither of us have jobs or health care but lets try to have a baby && succeed at it so we can mooch of off tax payers && what not cause its soooo cool!!" It also pisses me off that me && my hubby have been married 11 months && been together longer than that but one of his friends who just got married already got they're new wife knocked up && she told me she didn't even want to be preggo!! GRRRR!!!!! It makes me sooo mad!! I actually would be able to care for the baby without being a mooch, me && my hubby have the best health care in this country cause we're a military family. But nooooooooo. If I have to hear about some ungrateful, unproviding twat being pregnant one more time.........

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not The Chocolate Ice Cream!!

There's some things in life you just don't mess with. For guys, it's their cars. For women, you don't touch our chocolate ice cream..

I can't begin to tell you how upset I was to find that the 6 bar box of low fat triple chocolate ice cream bars was completely empty when I went for one last night. I had only had 1...... Mr. Greedy Pants ate 5.. He even admitted it was greedy, the jerk. I'd wanted one so baaaad cause starting at midnight I was supposed to start fasting (I'll get to why in a minute) && I wanted the last thing I ate to be some chocolatey goodness but noooo. Needless to say, I went out today && bought me a whole nother box && made it veeeery clear this was my box && if he touches it, the Iraqi's he fights are going to look like angry little puppies compared to what I will do. =]

So. The Fasting. I went for my first prenatal/infertility meeting yesterday. WooHoo!! So glad to really get the ball rolling && someone to help me guide said ball. Got my second Gardasil shot, (I'd really recommend this shot to anyone eligible for it!!) granted it's pretty painful. My arm still hurts. Ahhh, but that's the life of a woman. Beauty (&& now apparently health) is pain. Got prescribed some Provera too to help my extremely long cycles end. Whoopee!!! No surprise visits from Aunt Flo!! Which I can tell you, can be extremely embarresing in the summer months. Especially if your like me && you like to wear as little as possible to bed, like a t-shirt && underwear && SURPRISE!!! In the morning it looks like you murdered someone in your bed....

Anywho, today I had to go to the Lab && let them take pratically a gallon of my blood for testing. (Hence the fasting.) I really hope everything comes back normal =/. Really, you know, I'm surprised I haven't shriveled up like a sun-dried raisin with all the blood they've taken from me in the past 3 weeks. Let's see... They took 2 vials at my physical, 4 I think at my PAP, I have no idea how many when I went to the ER but I know it was at least 3, && now 10 today. Jeez, I'm surprised there's any left!!!

&& the fun's gonna continue, I have an ultrasound Thursday to check for PCOS. Gotta go in when my period starts for an HSG, && Days 3 && 21 of my cycle I have to go && do MORE bloodwork. Oh the joys of TTC.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I Love Morphine

So about 4 days ago, I started getting KILLER pains on my left ovary && cervix. It was absolute agony. It kept going on for days, but the hubby was in the field && I REALLY didn't want to have to go to the ER alone, so yesterday when he got back it was still happening. It was making me cry && scream. This had never happened to me before, I had no idea what was going on. I couldn't take it anymore so I called him && made him come home from work && take me to the ER. I was poked && prodded && it was causing me such pain they put me in a bed && hooked me up to some morphine. && it was just aaaaahhhh. They also gave me 3 other pills to take but I have no idea what they were lol. After laying there for 4 hours, getting a sonogram, pumped with morphine, && a shot in the butt (not cool!!), they told me I had ruptured a cyst on my ovary. Yuck. I hope noone has to go through that && if they do go to the ER. It was horrible. Today's the 4th day && I'm still having the pain. I got prescribed lortab's though. I hope they help, but I've been putting off taking them cause painkiller's make me nauseous. Hope the ketorolac helps with that =/. I'm worried though that, that just killed my chances of getting preggo this cycle. (Literally!) I ovulated on the 19th. Which consequently, was the day the pain started. I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Hmmmm..... Well here's to hoping it somehow got fertilized!!!

Just popped some lortab, I'm  gonna go relax && fight the waves of nauseous && pain. I just love spending my Fridays like this.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First Time Blogging

This is the introduction to my blog=].
I'm a first time blogger but thought I'd take advantage of tracking my adventure to mommyhood && beyond. I've been trying to conceive for about a year now. No luck so far =/. It didn't help that the hubby was deployed to Iraq for most of that time. But he's home now so we're really trying before he has to deploy again to Afghanistan. We started really trying on March 11, 2011. Tracking my BBT, CM, CP, && OPK's. Who knew it was an exact science!! Here's to hoping I don't have to wait too much longer!!

I was diagnosed with HPV when I was 15. I've already had 2 LEEPS. I can't even begin to describe to you how absolutely exstatic I was when my last PAP came back normal. I've always had abnormal ones. I quit smoking a year ago && started taking multi-vitamins everyday religiously, watch my weight, && eat healthy. It really does wonders for your body!! Hopefully I can clear the HPV && it doesn't cause too many problems TTC && during pregnancy.

My cycles are really screwy. NEVER had a regular one. My cycles are long && irregular, but hopefully when I go see a fertility specialist on Monday I can get them regulated && making sure I'm ovulating && everything's good. I've been having severe pains the past couple days while BD && today I've been having HORRIBLE pains on the left && around my cervix. Hopefully that means I'm either preggo or Aunt Flo will pay a visit soon && I'll actually have a "normal" cycle. Who's ever wished for their period?? lol

I guess there's a first for everything!! For now I'm playing mommy to my fur babies. Wish me luck to have my own baby soon!!