Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not The Chocolate Ice Cream!!

There's some things in life you just don't mess with. For guys, it's their cars. For women, you don't touch our chocolate ice cream..

I can't begin to tell you how upset I was to find that the 6 bar box of low fat triple chocolate ice cream bars was completely empty when I went for one last night. I had only had 1...... Mr. Greedy Pants ate 5.. He even admitted it was greedy, the jerk. I'd wanted one so baaaad cause starting at midnight I was supposed to start fasting (I'll get to why in a minute) && I wanted the last thing I ate to be some chocolatey goodness but noooo. Needless to say, I went out today && bought me a whole nother box && made it veeeery clear this was my box && if he touches it, the Iraqi's he fights are going to look like angry little puppies compared to what I will do. =]

So. The Fasting. I went for my first prenatal/infertility meeting yesterday. WooHoo!! So glad to really get the ball rolling && someone to help me guide said ball. Got my second Gardasil shot, (I'd really recommend this shot to anyone eligible for it!!) granted it's pretty painful. My arm still hurts. Ahhh, but that's the life of a woman. Beauty (&& now apparently health) is pain. Got prescribed some Provera too to help my extremely long cycles end. Whoopee!!! No surprise visits from Aunt Flo!! Which I can tell you, can be extremely embarresing in the summer months. Especially if your like me && you like to wear as little as possible to bed, like a t-shirt && underwear && SURPRISE!!! In the morning it looks like you murdered someone in your bed....

Anywho, today I had to go to the Lab && let them take pratically a gallon of my blood for testing. (Hence the fasting.) I really hope everything comes back normal =/. Really, you know, I'm surprised I haven't shriveled up like a sun-dried raisin with all the blood they've taken from me in the past 3 weeks. Let's see... They took 2 vials at my physical, 4 I think at my PAP, I have no idea how many when I went to the ER but I know it was at least 3, && now 10 today. Jeez, I'm surprised there's any left!!!

&& the fun's gonna continue, I have an ultrasound Thursday to check for PCOS. Gotta go in when my period starts for an HSG, && Days 3 && 21 of my cycle I have to go && do MORE bloodwork. Oh the joys of TTC.

1 comment:

  1. The second shot is the worst out of the three, or at least it was for me and others I have talked to.
    Newly following you, swing by my blog sometime. ttcandcookin.blogspot.com
