Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First Time Blogging

This is the introduction to my blog=].
I'm a first time blogger but thought I'd take advantage of tracking my adventure to mommyhood && beyond. I've been trying to conceive for about a year now. No luck so far =/. It didn't help that the hubby was deployed to Iraq for most of that time. But he's home now so we're really trying before he has to deploy again to Afghanistan. We started really trying on March 11, 2011. Tracking my BBT, CM, CP, && OPK's. Who knew it was an exact science!! Here's to hoping I don't have to wait too much longer!!

I was diagnosed with HPV when I was 15. I've already had 2 LEEPS. I can't even begin to describe to you how absolutely exstatic I was when my last PAP came back normal. I've always had abnormal ones. I quit smoking a year ago && started taking multi-vitamins everyday religiously, watch my weight, && eat healthy. It really does wonders for your body!! Hopefully I can clear the HPV && it doesn't cause too many problems TTC && during pregnancy.

My cycles are really screwy. NEVER had a regular one. My cycles are long && irregular, but hopefully when I go see a fertility specialist on Monday I can get them regulated && making sure I'm ovulating && everything's good. I've been having severe pains the past couple days while BD && today I've been having HORRIBLE pains on the left && around my cervix. Hopefully that means I'm either preggo or Aunt Flo will pay a visit soon && I'll actually have a "normal" cycle. Who's ever wished for their period?? lol

I guess there's a first for everything!! For now I'm playing mommy to my fur babies. Wish me luck to have my own baby soon!!

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