Friday, April 22, 2011

I Love Morphine

So about 4 days ago, I started getting KILLER pains on my left ovary && cervix. It was absolute agony. It kept going on for days, but the hubby was in the field && I REALLY didn't want to have to go to the ER alone, so yesterday when he got back it was still happening. It was making me cry && scream. This had never happened to me before, I had no idea what was going on. I couldn't take it anymore so I called him && made him come home from work && take me to the ER. I was poked && prodded && it was causing me such pain they put me in a bed && hooked me up to some morphine. && it was just aaaaahhhh. They also gave me 3 other pills to take but I have no idea what they were lol. After laying there for 4 hours, getting a sonogram, pumped with morphine, && a shot in the butt (not cool!!), they told me I had ruptured a cyst on my ovary. Yuck. I hope noone has to go through that && if they do go to the ER. It was horrible. Today's the 4th day && I'm still having the pain. I got prescribed lortab's though. I hope they help, but I've been putting off taking them cause painkiller's make me nauseous. Hope the ketorolac helps with that =/. I'm worried though that, that just killed my chances of getting preggo this cycle. (Literally!) I ovulated on the 19th. Which consequently, was the day the pain started. I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Hmmmm..... Well here's to hoping it somehow got fertilized!!!

Just popped some lortab, I'm  gonna go relax && fight the waves of nauseous && pain. I just love spending my Fridays like this.

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