So I got my HSG done on Thursday. Hurt a bit but, good news, my fallopian tubes are open!! Yay!! One less thing on my list of potential problems. One less procedure I don't have to go through =]. So obviously, I was very happy after it was over. But the day before, well, let's just say people really do amaze me.
Me && the hubby had gotten into a fight on Wednesday. I had a blood test for pregnancy I had to go get done before the HSG due to radiation. He had the nerve to look at me && go, "Why do you have to go get it, your not pregnant." Ok, fuck you, I let it go then even though I think that was a horrible thing to say. ( I told him that later though.) Then, later on, when I was shopping at the commissary, this girl I know texted me && the following conversation ensued:
Her: Hey chicka!! What's up?
Me: NM, just at the dr's office getting more bloodwork done yuck. you?
Her: At the stupid dentist, gettin that done too. Y u gettin bloodwork all time?
Me: Checkin for all sorts of shit makin sure I'm healthy && have the right levels of hormones && such.
Her: Ooooh how is baby making coming
Me: Don't really know yet I'm not preggo tho
Her: :( my hg (homegirl) is :)
WTH?????? How can people be so naive && mean??? Like I give a s***!?! I didn't say anything back. I didn't know what to say without being a bitch. Congrats????
What is hg?